Dev Log 1

The topic I choose for my research  and game idea was social media. With social media there are many different  perspectives you can take with it, it can be a advertisement page, self promotion, social engagement and much more. The section I focused on was social and mental impact of users who use social media. 

My general stance on social media from my research is it can be useful but is usually more harmful. Social media can help engage online groups, find people with the same opinions and help expose eyes on concerning matters or small businesses. While these are all positive and can help millions of people in the world it is usually a small portion of the pie. The reason for this is there are millions posts that are not informative or helpful, but are more to brag about their "luxury lifestyle" or negative options and thoughts like discrimination. These posts can be a cause to mental illnesses like depression because it is lowering your self a steam comparing yourself to someone online. It can also become very addictive were you are constantly scroll through posts no processing what you are reading or seeing. As well as influence your thoughts when  a creator states something with no time or research spent on the topic. These are very negative impacts on your life that you can avoid by minimizing or removing social media for you life. 

In summary I think social is not beneficial to most people and user should take opinions and posts with a grain of salt and realize the true goal of the post, is it to get attention (views/clicks) or are they being informative.

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