Dev Log #2 Production

For this devlog I will be discussing that progress I have made in my production so far from my previous pre production devlog. The first stage of my production pip line was audio. From week 2 - week 5 I focused on implementing audio into the engine and have it ready for the first play test. I started with sound effects, mainly one surrounded by the player characters event condition, the first being the death event. The first sfx was the death event, which I took an audio file a match stick being submerged in water and editing to create the sfx. This is used when the players his the water and instantly dies or the player runs out of the burner timer which is the characters fuel source. The next sfx was related to when the player was on charred tiles that were previously burned this simply made a feint burning sfx. The next major aspect was the ambience for the first level of our game, this involved generating two different ambience into one audio source in the engine.  The ambience was composed of a bird chirping file that loops as well as a foster fire audio file with fire burning and tree creaking. Combining and tuning these files in the engine made the ambience balanced and match the scene of the first level. In week 6 I focused on level design and began getting the metric and proportions of the camera  and character correct. Micheal and I first set the metric for one cluster which was tiles of 3x3 with 5 tree included in each one. We then adjust the camera position relative to player and fixes the speed of the player. With the metric set in week 7 I began to develop our first playable level. It included tree tiles, grass tiles, rock structures and water in a square formation. I was able to complete the level before Saturday so our recent play test have the level included in the build.

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