Dev Log 3 (Schedule)

We have a established initial schedule for our game wilds pyre, it is divided by pre-alpah, alpha, beta and gold master. The deadlines for each stage is from December 2023 - April 2024. Each stage has notes of what features should be implemented by the deadline, general progression in our project and the level of polish of the game. I feel we layed our goals well as to how we expect our project to be at specific time's in our schedule. Ultimately time will tell if our initial schedule is scoped properly, or we have issues which we can review and make changes in the future if required.  As for our project breakdown structure, without out going in to much detail I feel our breakdown of the final product to documentation,  art, audio, level design and source code is divided properly. The percentages are not gonna fully correct but it gives a good range of what we all expect the amount of time and effort each section should be spent on.

For my personal work breakdown structure I am responsible for Level Development which is all tasks associated with creating the level or area of play experience in the game. My tasks are compose of research/planning, documents & diagrams, greyboxing, testing, assets implementation and balancing. We have used days as a measure of time to dictate the duration of the tasks. My durations between the tasks feels balanced with the greyboxing and implementation tasks taking the most time and the pre design research and planning taking the least. Reviewing all of our wbs the tasks feel good but the duration times are a bit mixed between each of our own. We use a day as a mean of time but we valued time differently, meaning using a day as 24 hour period of working or a day is a work session for one day. When comparing them, the time value in days don't really match which is a issue we should resolve for more clarity. 

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