Dev Log #1 (May 18 -22)

This week our first development in the project was creating the build for Game Jam #2.  With this build we wanted to focus on of the core features of our hitman game stealth, which is processes of the player sneaking around and not trying to be caught by walking NPCs in the level. We started by creating simple movement controls and a locked top down camera view on the player. We then progressed on to created a suspicion bar which will gradually increase and have a game over state if the bar is full.Next we needed a NPC to see the player and trigger the bar, as well as a face or direction  where the NPC is pointing towards so there is a indicator for the player. Lastly we added a set movement patter for the NPC so the player can play around with being seen or not and test out the controls and rate of suspicion. The next step was our creative brief which we discussed many topics in detail like the game idea, mechanics, 3C's etc. This will be use a foundation for ideas that we can easily reference and look back on our inspirations if we ever feel off track. The last deliverable was our presentation, which we summarized all information we have written from the creative brief and game jam as well as show our progress in production with our concept art and first prototype.

Get My Grandma's a Hitman

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